Friday, June 12, 2009

MechWarrior Living Legends

I am or should I say was an avoid MechWarrior fan. I started with Mechcommander, then moved up to MechWarroir 3 and then through Mercenaries, Vengeance and Black Knight. When I began Mercenaries I was with a Jade Falcon Clan we got into NBT and had to be the Draconis Combine because Jade Falcon was taken. I had some good times with those great guys.

The company that produced the game did some patches that kind of messed up the game for me. I could no longer get kills, but was always being killed. So I finally dropped out. Then came along the Mechwarrior hero clicks nice looking game Pisces. I own quite a few of these pieces.

Somebody really needs to create a mechwarrior movie. They can Transformers and the new Terminator robots, so how about a Mechwarrior movie. I bet it would be the number one movie of the year if they stay true to the mechwarrior/battletech universe.

Last Month I came across a new and upcoming Mech game. This Mod is being built over the Crysis Program. You can get information about this game at the MechWarrior Living Legends site. They have some nice videos on YouTube just search for MWLL. They say we will be able to take use Elemental Armour, drive ground support vehicle, and even fly Aerial support. If this comes out it is probably going to be the best MechWarrior game ever.

Go ahead and check out there site. They have pictures of some of the Mechs they have created along with some maps. Be sure to join the Forum and there is a twitter page. They do not have a pinpointed release except to say this year. Don't inquire about the date cause that seems to be a touchy subject.

What are your thoughts on the above subject?

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