Lately I've been playing Crysis War. Yes I know I'm behind the times, but that's were I am today. Just wait till MWLL is out. War is an online mulitplayer first person shooter. At first look it is better then the Battlefield series. This game is a cross between Battlefield and Halo. Not as fast passed as Halo, but faster then Battlefield. You are not stock in classes with limited weapons but can run around and pickup what you can find. This game has several different map types. 1. the instant action - you against the world, 2. Team instant action - team vs team, 3. Power Struggle - It's like capture the flag.
I prefer the team instant action. It allows you to work with others if you find the right group of people. Otherwise this plays like a bunch of people how cant shoot each other randomly attracting the other group who cant shoot each other. I like Battelfield 2 because you are forced to work in squads. The Power Struggle maps are very large and you have to know where you are going to capture the bunker or facility your after. Needless to say my skill is not the best in any of these game types, but I stink in Instant action.
Give me a hallor if you see me in game. I'm CPTALAN.
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