Friday, June 19, 2009

Crysis War

Lately I've been playing Crysis War. Yes I know I'm behind the times, but that's were I am today. Just wait till MWLL is out. War is an online mulitplayer first person shooter. At first look it is better then the Battlefield series. This game is a cross between Battlefield and Halo. Not as fast passed as Halo, but faster then Battlefield. You are not stock in classes with limited weapons but can run around and pickup what you can find. This game has several different map types. 1. the instant action - you against the world, 2. Team instant action - team vs team, 3. Power Struggle - It's like capture the flag.

I prefer the team instant action. It allows you to work with others if you find the right group of people. Otherwise this plays like a bunch of people how cant shoot each other randomly attracting the other group who cant shoot each other. I like Battelfield 2 because you are forced to work in squads. The Power Struggle maps are very large and you have to know where you are going to capture the bunker or facility your after. Needless to say my skill is not the best in any of these game types, but I stink in Instant action.

Give me a hallor if you see me in game. I'm CPTALAN.

Leave a post and tell me what you think of Crysis War.

Friday, June 12, 2009

MechWarrior Living Legends

I am or should I say was an avoid MechWarrior fan. I started with Mechcommander, then moved up to MechWarroir 3 and then through Mercenaries, Vengeance and Black Knight. When I began Mercenaries I was with a Jade Falcon Clan we got into NBT and had to be the Draconis Combine because Jade Falcon was taken. I had some good times with those great guys.

The company that produced the game did some patches that kind of messed up the game for me. I could no longer get kills, but was always being killed. So I finally dropped out. Then came along the Mechwarrior hero clicks nice looking game Pisces. I own quite a few of these pieces.

Somebody really needs to create a mechwarrior movie. They can Transformers and the new Terminator robots, so how about a Mechwarrior movie. I bet it would be the number one movie of the year if they stay true to the mechwarrior/battletech universe.

Last Month I came across a new and upcoming Mech game. This Mod is being built over the Crysis Program. You can get information about this game at the MechWarrior Living Legends site. They have some nice videos on YouTube just search for MWLL. They say we will be able to take use Elemental Armour, drive ground support vehicle, and even fly Aerial support. If this comes out it is probably going to be the best MechWarrior game ever.

Go ahead and check out there site. They have pictures of some of the Mechs they have created along with some maps. Be sure to join the Forum and there is a twitter page. They do not have a pinpointed release except to say this year. Don't inquire about the date cause that seems to be a touchy subject.

What are your thoughts on the above subject?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dark Oribit Browser Game

I found this neat Browser game. It is called DarkOrbit.

This is a space mining/combat game. They give you this cute little ship and send you out on quests so you can get credits to buy bigger ships and better weapons. This is a multiplayer game and there will be people from all around flying ships.

Make sure you get in a clan as soon as possible. It will set you back 50,000 credits, but will be worth it in the long run. I believe you will be safe as long as you stay in the neutral zone and do attack more then one NPC at a time. Keep an eye on the damage cause even if you still have shields the amour takes damage. It does seem that attacking these NPCs is the fastest way to make credits.

There seems to be a pay portion to this game also. It looks to be in three levels. Each level gives you a special benefit like repairs or credits each month. I’m just doing the free thing.

If your all ready a player or drop by to try it out and see CptAlan give him a Ahoy there.

Feel free to post your in game names and your feelings about the game.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common disorder of the wrist and hand characterized by pain, tingling, and muscular weakness, caused by pressure on the median nerve in the wrist area and often associated with trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, or edema of pregnancy.

This disorder is a repetitive stress injury to the wrist and hands often caused by typing on an ergonomically unsound keyboard. In this case, pain is thought to occur when swelling and scarring from the repetitive motion of typing compresses the nerves in the wrist. It is an example of an occupational disease.

The carpal tunnel is formed from a U-shaped cluster of eight bones at the base of your palm. A strong ligament arches across these bones, providing a roof for the tunnel. Within it lies the so-called median nerve, which travels all the way from the spinal cord and controls sensations to the palm side of the thumb and the fingers. This nerve also transmits impulses to hand muscles that move the fingers and thumb. When the tunnel narrows, it can create pressure that decreases blood supply to the nerve. This decreased blood supply results in the pain, weakness, and tingling that announce the syndrome.

ScienceDaily (Feb. 7, 2006) says this about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome “— The popular belief that excessive computer use causes painful carpal tunnel syndrome has been contradicted by experts at Harvard Medical School. According to them, even as much as seven hours a day of tapping on a computer keyboard won't increase your risk of this disabling disorder.

The pain, numbness, and tingling are more common in those who do assembly-line work in industries such as manufacturing, sewing, cleaning, or meatpacking. Genes account for about half the cases. Women are more likely than men to suffer the syndrome.

This Harvard Medical Study is interesting. Click on ScienceDaily above to see there column on the subject.

A person that worked with my wife interpreted for the hearing impaired on a daily basis for her job was diagnosed with this syndrome. She signed daily to her roommate, interpreted on weekends for church, and took other freelance interpreting jobs on her free time. She basically lived signing. Her Carpal Tunnel became so bad that she had to have an operation to relieve the pain.

Carpal Tunnel has touched my life because I have some of the symptoms of the syndrome.. I do have to say mine is not doctor diagnosed it did come from PC gaming and typing. My job as a Computer Programmer means I'm repetitively typing five days a week. When I get home I spend about two hours gaming with repetitive movement key press and mouse clicks. I find the wrist brace helps out to relieve my pain. I wear it for several days and the pain goes away. Course I keep doing the same things over and over which means I will be back in pain sometime in the future. Currently, as I type my fingers are getting numb so it's time to break out the brace.

Please post your experiences and remedies for others to share.
